Thursday, August 30, 2007

Kathryn Grace is Born

Kathryn Grace Luminati was born at 12:40 am on the morning of August 30th. She came out healthy and crying, with her right hand next to her cheek. Dad cut the unbillical cord and then the staff cleaned her up. She weighed 5 lbs 14oz and was 19 in long. Much to the (initial) dismay of her mother, Kate and Jen share the same birthday. Seeing her born was an indescribable experience. If you've been through it, you know. If you haven't, you'll just have to take my word for it. After getting cleaned up, she was quiet and alert for an hour or two, and immediately interested in feeding. God had been very gracious to little Kate. Despite the low amniotic fluid, she was completely healthy, and even weighed more than the doctors thought. Jen and I spent some time recounting how God had answered prayer after prayer throughout the pregnancy and birth.

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