Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kindergarten Kate

Just a few years ago, this handsome young boy started preschool. Any guesses who he is?

Well, what a guesser you are. Here is that same handsome young boy (now a man!) holding his oldest daughter on her first day of German kindergarten. (the American preschool equivalent)

Here are a few thoughts before we walked to school.

We are so grateful that her response to going to German kindergarten is one of excitement and anticipation. She was thrilled to head out this morning.

We had the pleasure to walk to kindy with our next-door neighbor and his mom. He is 5 and a regular at kindy, so he was full of first day tips. We also have three other kids from our street in the kindy, actually in Kate's class, so she already knows several kids. Since everyone speaks German at German kindergarten, that's our biggest hurdle and concern--that she won't be able to communicate with the kids. Most of the teachers speak English fine, so they can communiate with Kate, but part of the reason for putting her in German kindy is so that she can learn German. So it's a different dimension to the first day of school.

Ellie didn't really understand what was going on, but she was happy to be a part of it all. Kate is looking a bit cold because it was chilly this morning!

All smiles as Ellie and I kissed her goodbye and left her playing in the little kitchen.

And now that her first day is over (she attends from 8-12:30) she is tired and happy to be home. The teachers told me there were a few tears in the middle of the day but she got over it and since Ellie and I picked her up, she's been happy and willing to talk about her day. It will take some getting used to, but we're positive this will be a great experience for our little girl. We are so proud of you, Kate!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Coming Up

Tomorrow we have a big event in the Luminati household! Stay tuned.

Until then, here's a recent video of the girls at the chocolate factory near our house. Gram and Pops are visiting and we're enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon at the factory. Until Ellie spots this fly...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Random Pics

I have some new favorite pictures and wanted to share them.

Ellie is starting the long road to potty training and here she is sporting her new "poofy" panties. She loves it. (She thinks that smiling with her eyes closed is a BIG smile.)

Showing me her new panties. (I just love her cutie-patootie legs!) Note the footwear. Her choice.

Later, her footwear changed (as did her wet panties). Here she is showing me her owie. Yes, this is the pic on the side but I wanted you to have a chance to see it bigger because this is so indicative of her personality. Lots going on, excitement about everything, loving to interject her opinion, choosing her footwear. And once you kiss her owie it's all better. :) What a sweetie!

And I had to include this beautiful picture up close because I can't believe how big she looks here! And we are THRILLED to say that she's completely potty trained--no diapers at all, not even at night. WHEW. We're so proud! Great job big, sweet girl.